Leavening Play Area The village play area was relocated to its current position on Back Lane, adjacent to the Primary School, in the early 1990s. 2005 was the last time that the play equipment was replaced in its entirety.
In 2017 the swings were replaced due to serious rot in the structure. The village raised over £5,000 and, with a contribution from Ryedale District Council, a new basket swing was installed, with some additional minor works also completed. Unfortunately, the bridge was recently removed from the tower equipment as it was deemed unsafe. The remaining equipment was made safe; however, subsequent inspections have found further rot throughout the tower equipment and slide.
Whilst the play area equipment is safe to use for now, the time has come for decisions to be made about replacement. The estimated cost in 2017 was £12,000. As this is a considerable investment, likely to be somewhat more today, the Parish Council needs to understand the views of the village on how to proceed and asks for your response to the questions below.
A flyer has been delivered (on 16th August 2022) to homes across the village. Responses can be emailed to [email protected], handed to any of the Parish Councillors or dropped in the collection boxes in the Jolly Farmers or the entrance lobby of the Venerable Bede church,